Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Being a mamma

Hi peeps!

I never seem to have enough time in the day. I thought i was busy when I was studying but since going on holidays i seem to have even less time! Why is this?

Our day:
wake up bright an early never a minute past 7am
change vomitrons nappy and clothes
feed him
sort washing out
tend to vomtrion
set him up with some toys
start vacuuming 
stop mid way and grab vomtrion because he has cracked it by this stage
vaccuum with one arm while holding vomtrion in the other
give vomitron quick feed and put him to sleep
mop, tidy up, dusting and dishes
sit down with some breakky to look at facebook and check emails
get interrupted half way by vomitron
share half my breaky with him as he can't see anyone eating without wanting some.
attempt to hang washing while keeping an eye on vomtrion who picks everything up and wants to eat it
feed him
change his nappy
pack his bag
get pram out of car and walk to vomitrons grandparents place
all this by 11am 

It gets worse, there is his lunch time which ends up with food EVERYWHERE! 
Then trying to cook dinner and ever worse supermarket trips. 

Vomitron enjoying the sun or should i say not so much enjoying the sun
Then Earthydad comes home and vomitron is all smiles and on his best behaviour, all while im complaining about how tired i am and explaining all the cheeky things he did. 

Earthydad- "Is this the same child you are describing? look at him his an angel, why are you so tired?" 

Don't get me wrong i absolutely love vomitron, i love being a parent and i love spending all day with him, I don't love the perfect behaviour when Earthydad comes home, be cheeky, throw a tantrum, get food everywhere, don't sleep. 

Does your child do this? I'd love to hear from other mamma's experiencing the same thing 

P.s Our website should be up and running in about 4 weeks time woohoooo!

Bye for now
Earthymamma xx