Saturday 3 September 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi all!

Welcome to my blog, this is the first time I ever blog so excuse the newbie. I am a 20 year old mother of 1 gorgeous boy nicknamed the Vomitron (reflux bubba.) I study full time at university and are set to complete my degree in July 2012 which i personally can not wait for! 

 I decided to start this blog as I find that I always have so much to say and so much advice to give but not sure who wants to hear it. 

I am the owner of EarthyMamma (website coming soon) a store dedicated to providing families with the best affordable organic, natural and eco- friendly alternatives. I stringently road test lots and lots of products and will only stock the products that have ticked all my boxes. It is my lovely customers that encouraged me to start a blog so they too can be informed as to why i have or haven't chosen a particular product. 

So here is my blog where i will spill my guts out, give my opinion, share stories and also give detailed reviews on products. I will try and post as often as I can but as you can understand i am quite the busy mamma. 

Please join me over at EarthyMamma where I would love to help you out with any questions. 

Enjoy your day lush ones xo

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