Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Almond Milk

As mentioned in earlier posts, Vomitron was nicknamed vomitron because of his awesome vomiting talents. everything that went in came back up until he was 6 months old and realised he might have a cows protein intolerance. So i cut down my dairy consumption as he is breastfed and stopped giving him any form of dairy for a week. Like magic the vomiting stopped! i no longer had to weigh the kid down with terry towelling bibs.

Although he can process cows protein much better now I still have to be careful. We breast feed during the day but night time feeds and when he is looked after by someone else he normally has formula. As he is a few weeks shy of approaching the big '1' i started looking into alternatives. Goats milk, rice milk and almond milk were my 3 narrowed down winners. So i began with almond milk.

Here is how i made almond milk:

soak 1 cup of almonds for 4-8 hours in water

place soaked almonds plus 3-4 cups of water (depends on how weak/strong you want it)

Whizz it all up!

Then strain the milk in a sieve or cheescloth material. If milk is to be given to a baby please use the cheese cloth to strain as the tiny bits of almond that went through the holes of the strainer will block the teat of a baby bottle. 

Ta dah! This is what you are left with 2 amazing products
To the left is Almond Pulp which i spread out on a try and toasted in the over to make almond meal
To the right is our almond milk! 1 cup of almonds and 3 cups of water made all that!

The Flavour is interesting and will take some getting used to but DS loved it! and took to it straight away!
The whole process took about 10 mins all up. 


1 comment:

The Australian Consortium Of Nannies said...

Talk about bringing back some memories - my now 15 year old son weaned himself at 7 months when I fell pregnant with no.2. He couldn't keep down dairy, soy, goats, rice milk or any formulas - so it was home made almond milk.
So happy when he grew up a bit more :)