Vomitron's had severe colic and reflux when he was born, his back and pelvis where out of line, it is quite normal for babies to need adjustments after being born as the birthing process can be quite traumatic on their little bodies. The colic disappeared quickly, the reflux toned down but never completely left him. We now see our chiro for relief from everything, the common cold, ear infection, cough, chest infection even sticky eye.
Unfortunately the cost of holisitic and natural living on one wage can get quite costly, chiro for us 3 was adding up. $60 each, once a week for Vomitron and I and 3 times a week for my husband (his a wrestler so his back is waaaay out of wack.)
This is when I contacted RMIT teaching clinic . It is a teaching clinic run by students and teachers. You get treated by 4th year students under strict observation of there teacher. With the paediatric chiro its the opposite the teacher treats the child while the students observe. I personally proffered their service way more than a standard chiro, they are so eager to treat you to the best of their ability.

They asked LOTS of questions from your eating habits, to your sleep quality, to how dry your skin is and even checked my tongue. It turns out i am severely yang deficient- this explains my dry skin, ulcers in my mouth, constant feeling of tiredness, insomnia and always feeling hot.
you can read heaps more about yang and yin HERE.
I had a session of acupuncture and was given herbs to take 3 times a day and let me tell you how much of a difference it has made. I have the energy to do everything I need to and more, i fall asleep very easily, I am not highly irritable and frustrated. And I have sooo much more patience, this could be due to a better quality sleep. I am a better wife and mother thanks to my new found energy levels. And not one drug has entered my body wehoo!
I am very very impressed and would highly recommend it to anyone. And it was totally affordable.
lots of love from a very refreshed and energised
Maybe i need to pay them a visit then! Thanks for sharing x
I think I might have to find one too! Do u know if u can take while breastfeeding?
hi S why not at the end of the day if it doesn't work for you, you haven't caused any harm =)
You sure can J as it is tailor made for you and your symptom.
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