Thursday 31 May 2012

Hazelwood and Eczema

I want to talk (write?) to you today about eczema and how I and 90% of customers have gotten rid of the itch!

I have suffered from eczema since i was a little girl, itching at all crazy hours of the day and night. I would scratch until i would bleed. My brothers and sister all used to complain to mum " tell her to stop scratching!" Poor mum tried absolutely everything from oatmeal baths, oil baths, every single brand of moisturiser on the market at the time, switching my diet around, different fabrics, vitamins and supplements. Some gave me relief but only very temporarily.

I knew all the steroid cream brands off by heart, at one point my steroid cream i was using was that strong the doctor would have to ring the higher offices in Canberra to ask their permission to prescribe it to me.

Yea the itch went away momentarily but nothing ever got rid off it.

When i got married my eczema disappeared on its own i was shocked! Then our first winter as a married couple hit- it returned with a vengeance thanks to my heater loving husband. Heat and eczema bigggg NO NO.

I needed a solution that's when i ordered a hazelwood necklace. I thought to myself what's $26 if it works it works i've paid more for steroid creams that ended up straight in the bin.

3 weeks later it was gone, i couldn't believe my eyes. I took it off and passed it on to my sister who also suffers severely from eczema. 2 weeks later i was ringing her saying "give it back to me!"

She didnt want to give it back because it too had started slowing down her eczema.

Hazelwood products are believed to help to create an alkaline environment in your body, which may help, prevent and appease many of the symptoms caused by being too acidic. Hazelwood, being an alkaline wood, has the natural property of absorbing and neutralizing the body's acidity through contact with the skin. By doing so, the necklaces can also help with digestion, constipation, eczema, migraines, acid reflux, heart burn, nausea, arthritis, skin problems, etc. If you suffer from one of these issues, it is highly probable that you are suffering from an acidity imbalance.

I suggest to my customers to change their washing powder over to soapnuts, change their body soap over to an organic/natural alternative such as Little Innoscents or Dr Bronners magic soap and to moisturise with coconut oil. These teamed with a hazelwood necklace is the ultimate eczema busting solution. Ditch the Dermaveen that is full of crap and chemicals!

These hazelwood necklaces are my biggest seller with a 90% success rate. The one comment everyone says to me is "I wish I knew about hazelwood earlier"

So spread the word. There is a natural alternative to beating eczema!

Monday 21 May 2012

Jack N Jill toothpaste & toothbrushes

We Love Jack N Jill toothpaste and brushes in our house!

Even though our little man only has 3 and a half teeth I did begin our search for natural toothpaste fairly early. We tried and tested and read the ingredients of LOTS of toothpastes but there was a clear winner.

I loved that the ingredients were so good for you and were not tons of chemicals and products that i could barely read.They are 100% organic and contain xylitol to fight tooth decay and organic calendula to soothe gums.It is fluoride free, sugar free, colour free, SLS Free, and contains no preservatives.

A lot of the other so called 'natural' toothpastes contained Sodium Lauryl sulphate as their main ingredient. How they can call themselves natural is beyond me.

I won't go listing all the dangers of SLS in toothpastes but here is a link if you wanted to have a read:

Lets not even begin talking about fluoride and the disgusting effects it has on us and our kidlets. Some people may question the addition of xylitol in the Jack N Jills toothpaste. Xylitol is a low kilojoule sugar substitute that is gaining a reputation for its health-boosting properties, namely the effect it has on preventing tooth decay. While its name may sound artificial, xylitol is found naturally in fibrous fruits and vegies such as plums and corn and is also produced in the body. You may hear lots of rumours that xylitol is dangerous but there is no solid proof out there let alone proper information about its dangers.

We have recently been trialling out there toothbrushes too. We use and love our bamboo toothbrushes but Vomitron seems to be biting the toothbrush these days and was starting to splinter his toothbrush so we needed an alternative asap! JnJ toothbrushes are made of Rounded Nylon bristles (SOFT) for superior cleaning and the ergonomic handle is made from 100% Corn Starch making it compostable and bio-degradable.

Well Vomitron giggles every time its teeth brush time! He even has a favourite flavour- Raspberry.
My favourite flavour is banana but hubby wasn't impressed with my banana breath at night LOL!

Vomitron with his Jack n Jill toothbrush

We will be stocking the toothbrushes as of next week, and the toothpaste is in stock but sell like hot cakes so get in fast!

Peace, love and light

Friday 18 May 2012

Artisse Organic Lollipops

I have been very very ill the past week. What started as a small (first time ever) cold sore ended up as a very severe internal body infection. I couldn't talk as it just hurt to much let alone walk or get out of bed. I'm on the mend now and hopefully won't ever have to suffer that strain of virus (or any) ever again!

We are loving the Artisse organic Lollipops!

My son has just learnt how to suck a lollipop before it would end up on every surface of the house and himself but never in his mouth. Not any more as he has finally tasted the bursting flavour of fruits on a stick.

We don't allow him to have any sort of sweets/junk food other than fruit. With in-laws who own a bakery full of yummy colourful goodies this is a struggle. EarthyDaddy constantly gets grilled by his parents about why we don't allow it. "We fed all sorts of stuff to you and your sisters when you were growing up!"

We don't want to ban him from anything sweet all together but if we can delay it getting into his system then why not especially refined white sugar and products full of colours, numbers and preservatives which will be banned for sure. At the end of the day he is only one and it is totally unnecessary.

Being sick this week,Vomitron has been a little neglected so i thought id give him a little treat.

These lollipops have only a few ingredients: organic raw sugar, organic glucose syrup from rice, citric acid, fruit and vegetable extracts and natural flavours.

Well he loved it! it kept him busy for about half an hour, he did need a huge bath when he was done because of the sticky mess but hey half an hour of peace when your sick is worth ten thousand baths. I gave in and ate one too and oh my god they are delicious! i think ive found my new favourite 'sweet tooth' fix! 

They are also:
Certified Organic.
gluten free
wheat free
dairy free
peanut free
soy free

Big thumbs up from the man himself!