I want to talk (write?) to you today about eczema and how I and 90% of customers have gotten rid of the itch!
I have suffered from eczema since i was a little girl, itching at all crazy hours of the day and night. I would scratch until i would bleed. My brothers and sister all used to complain to mum " tell her to stop scratching!" Poor mum tried absolutely everything from oatmeal baths, oil baths, every single brand of moisturiser on the market at the time, switching my diet around, different fabrics, vitamins and supplements. Some gave me relief but only very temporarily.
I knew all the steroid cream brands off by heart, at one point my steroid cream i was using was that strong the doctor would have to ring the higher offices in Canberra to ask their permission to prescribe it to me.
Yea the itch went away momentarily but nothing ever got rid off it.
When i got married my eczema disappeared on its own i was shocked! Then our first winter as a married couple hit- it returned with a vengeance thanks to my heater loving husband. Heat and eczema bigggg NO NO.
I needed a solution that's when i ordered a hazelwood necklace. I thought to myself what's $26 if it works it works i've paid more for steroid creams that ended up straight in the bin.
3 weeks later it was gone, i couldn't believe my eyes. I took it off and passed it on to my sister who also suffers severely from eczema. 2 weeks later i was ringing her saying "give it back to me!"
She didnt want to give it back because it too had started slowing down her eczema.
Hazelwood products are believed to help to create an alkaline environment in your body, which may help, prevent and appease many of the symptoms caused by being too acidic. Hazelwood, being an alkaline wood, has the natural property of absorbing and neutralizing the body's acidity through contact with the skin. By doing so, the necklaces can also help with digestion, constipation, eczema, migraines, acid reflux, heart burn, nausea, arthritis, skin problems, etc. If you suffer from one of these issues, it is highly probable that you are suffering from an acidity imbalance.
These hazelwood necklaces are my biggest seller with a 90% success rate. The one comment everyone says to me is "I wish I knew about hazelwood earlier"
So spread the word. There is a natural alternative to beating eczema!
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