Monday 21 May 2012

Jack N Jill toothpaste & toothbrushes

We Love Jack N Jill toothpaste and brushes in our house!

Even though our little man only has 3 and a half teeth I did begin our search for natural toothpaste fairly early. We tried and tested and read the ingredients of LOTS of toothpastes but there was a clear winner.

I loved that the ingredients were so good for you and were not tons of chemicals and products that i could barely read.They are 100% organic and contain xylitol to fight tooth decay and organic calendula to soothe gums.It is fluoride free, sugar free, colour free, SLS Free, and contains no preservatives.

A lot of the other so called 'natural' toothpastes contained Sodium Lauryl sulphate as their main ingredient. How they can call themselves natural is beyond me.

I won't go listing all the dangers of SLS in toothpastes but here is a link if you wanted to have a read:

Lets not even begin talking about fluoride and the disgusting effects it has on us and our kidlets. Some people may question the addition of xylitol in the Jack N Jills toothpaste. Xylitol is a low kilojoule sugar substitute that is gaining a reputation for its health-boosting properties, namely the effect it has on preventing tooth decay. While its name may sound artificial, xylitol is found naturally in fibrous fruits and vegies such as plums and corn and is also produced in the body. You may hear lots of rumours that xylitol is dangerous but there is no solid proof out there let alone proper information about its dangers.

We have recently been trialling out there toothbrushes too. We use and love our bamboo toothbrushes but Vomitron seems to be biting the toothbrush these days and was starting to splinter his toothbrush so we needed an alternative asap! JnJ toothbrushes are made of Rounded Nylon bristles (SOFT) for superior cleaning and the ergonomic handle is made from 100% Corn Starch making it compostable and bio-degradable.

Well Vomitron giggles every time its teeth brush time! He even has a favourite flavour- Raspberry.
My favourite flavour is banana but hubby wasn't impressed with my banana breath at night LOL!

Vomitron with his Jack n Jill toothbrush

We will be stocking the toothbrushes as of next week, and the toothpaste is in stock but sell like hot cakes so get in fast!

Peace, love and light

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