Sunday, 24 June 2012

Natural Safe Dummies

Lets face it some babies love their dummies. There is no need to feel guilty as a mum any more! I remember the first time i gave my son a dummy i felt like a failure of a mother. There is so much negativity surrounding the dummy. If only these beauties were available when I had Vomitron, i would have gladly given him one. I did try when i recieved the one i had bought, but he prefers his thumb. The firs thing that caught my attention was the size of the dummy. But after reading some more about it, i realised there was nothing to worry about.

The relatively large shield on NATURSUTTEN is designed to gently touch your baby’s nose and give her the same secure feeling she experiences during breastfeeding.

“Reducing exposure to environmental toxins is especially important for babies and young children because many toxins accumulate in fatty tissues, and babies have more body fat, proportionately, than adults,” says Amy Marlow, registered dietician, New York State certified nutritionist and co-author of ‘HAPPYBABY: The Organic Guide to Baby’s First 24 Months.’

NATURSUTTEN is made ecologically sustainable from pure natural rubber from the tree Hevea brasiliensis.
The design, the company and the idea is Danish and our product is manufactured exclusively in Italy.

The protein that on rare occasions can provoke a latex allergy is eliminated during production.

With a NATURSUTTEN pacifier, you avoid:
• Allergy causing substances
• Artificial color
• Cancer causing substances
• Hormone disturbing substances
• Chemical softeners
• Parabens, PVC and phthalates

NATURSUTTEN pacifiers are softer than silicone, and are very hygienic because they are molded in one piece without joints or cracks where dirt and bacteria can accumulate.

BPA and  phthalates are shown to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems in animal studies, phthalates can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. So just picture your precious bundle sucking on a chemical laden piece of plastic. Switch today and im sure you won't regret it.

Now available at Earthymamma

Friday, 22 June 2012

Organic Origins- organic delivered groceries

There are no good fruit and veg shops in my area. let alone ones selling organics. I am happy to pay a premium price as long as the fruit and veg is of a high quality. However I am not willing to drive for 20-30 minutes to get to a higher quality shop.

This is when i began looking at online fruit and veg shopping. I started our journey with Aussie Farmers Direct. I was very happy with them for the first couple of weeks, sadly the quality declined over time. I needed more flexibility when ordering too. Sometimes you needed additional veggies or a particular type of fruit. There was no option to add these at the time it was a set box and that was all.

I then perused Victorian Organic delivery. There service was great,  but quality wasn't 100%  great.  Wilted celery that was browning, squashed pears and old grapes were not fair considering the price you were paying.

A friend posted on Organic Origins Facebook page proclaiming her love for them. I couldn't help myself and had to have a look at their page. It was full of comments from happy customers. Off to their website i went. I was blown away! They actually reward you for shopping with them! Freebies all round. They had a very large range. Mixed boxes of fruit and veg were available but you also had the option to choose the exact items you want.

There focus was not just fruit and veg but groceries too. Milk, noodles, pasta, lentils,yoghurt, toiletries etc.
Which was super dooper handy it means i barely have to go to the supermarket any more.

The quality was absolutely astounding! Crunchy fresh fruit and veggies. They are always packaged well and customer service is fantastic. They even remember my name!

I can't stop recommending them to my friends and family, since we began buying only organic fruit and veg not one of us has gotten sick. Just goes to show that there is a lack of vitamins in commercial fruit and veg.

I will leave you with some pics, make sure you let them know EarthyMamma sent you.

My bonus for spending $100 1/2 kg of mandarins

My big box of veggies and fruit!

Thats right organic noodles and pasta
everything that needs a bag comes in these cornstarch bags or paper bags
Please note this is not a sponsored post. 

Love, peace and happiness

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Kiddie Concepts stainless steel bottle

The sippy cup market is overwhelming to me. I wanted a BPA free bottle, thats easy to clean, can handle being dropped and thrown and chewed on, and that my son loves (fussy little person he is).

We hit the shops in search of a bottle, we bought a plastic Tommie Tippee one and a Munch stainless steel bottle.

After 2 weeks the Tommie Tippee plastic sippy bottle was slimy and grimy. I could barely get my hand in the bottle to wash it and the bottle brush seemed to miss lots of spots especially the little crevices. I wasn't happy.

The Munch stainless steel bottle had zero issues with griminess but leaked HEAPS! The lid was very fiddly to get back on and to be quite frank with a toddler hanging on your hip and only one and to screw the lid on I dont want to have to have to fiddle with it, and try to get the lid on properly. Hubby filled up the bottle once and i forgot to warn him about the lid. Well lets just say Vomitron enjoyed the mini swimming pool.

I was then contacted by the lovely Lisa at Kiddie Concepts about her bottles. She kindly sent me a sample and Vomitron got testing.

BPA free- tick

No grime- tick

easy to open and close the lid- tick

no hard to get in crevices- tick

easy to hold- tick

economical- tick

dishwasher safe- tick

Vomitron loved the sippy teat on it. The bottle wasn't too heavy for him to hold too. The other advantage is when he ready to move to a sports teat lid i can just change the lid! No need to get a whole new bottle!

The Adaptable Kiddie Bottle – a 3-in-1 stainless steel bottle can be fitted with a nipple teat for newborns, a sippy top for toddlers and a sports lid for older children. The adaptable lid means less waste for the environment and less spending for parents.

The bottle’s nipple teats and sippy top components are compatible with those sold by leading brands in pharmacies and supermarkets – so they can be easily replaced if lost or damaged.

When purchased as a sippy cup it is already fitted with a leak proof green Avent brand sippy top – It does not leak!

They will be available at EarthyMamma at the end of the week, we are so excited



Friday, 15 June 2012

Vegetarian Kofte

As a family we aim to have 1-2 vegetarian nights a week. Just to give our body a rest from processing all that meat and chicken.

So tonight i made slow cooked pumpkin soup and vegetarian kofte. Here is the recipe:

2 Cups of red lentil

1 Cup of Bulgur (cracked wheat)

3 Tablespoons of tomato paste

2 Onions finely diced

Bunch of chopped parsley



Boil the lentils in water thats just covers them.

Once all water has evaporated and the lentils are really soft, you add the bulgur and cover the lid and wait about 10 mins

In a fry pan lightly fry the onions in oil till soft.

Add the onions, tomato paste, the lentils and bulgur, the chopped parsely and salt into a bowl and mix very well.

Warning! Unlike EarthyMamma did wait till the mixture cools down a little before you plunge your hands into the bowl (ouch!)

Then shape them into kofte shapes as pictured and enjoy with a squeeze of lemon. 



Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Health Kick

So a good friend of mine has been selling Herbalife for 8 months now. She is also a naturopath. At first I though why on earth is a Naturopath recommending Herbalife?

She invited me to a mini seminar where people spoke of their success with Herbalife, weight loss, weight gain, a boost in energy and lots of illnesses had been cured or had disappeared. I still wasn't too convinced.

So this lovely friend of mine has given me a 1 month trial of the Ultimate program. I was looking to loose weight and gain more energy (which mum isnt looking for this ha!) The reason she recommends them is because they are 100% natural, contain amazing herbs and vitamins that she would normally recommend to her patients anyway.

My issue is, I wait till I get REALLY hungry enter the kitchen normally with vomitron hanging off me and eat the quickest snack i can get. Which normally is chock-a block full of calories. I dont have the time or will power to do an Aitkens diet or carb-free diet. So I am pretty confident that Herbalife can help me.

2 things worried me- the taste of the shakes, and being able to take all the vitamins and tablet that come in the pack.

I am currently taking 5 tablets 3 times a day, 2 shakes, aloe vera concentrate and a herbal tea.

It isnt easy but i am determined.

Day 1 was a little bit of a fail: I took my pills, tea and shakes but remained starving all day! After looking at the shake container a little more I realised i hadnt put enough shake powder in the drink ooops! The flavour was very tolerable at the time, no wonder why!

My energy levels have already risen but im not sure if its just in my mind. Only time will tell.

My fingers are crossed!

EarthyMamma xx

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Little innocents and Vomitrons cold

The first time my son got sick as a baby, I didn't sleep for days. My family's health is my biggest source of anxiety. So can you imagine little me, a new mum who was already nervous about having to mother and look after a baby, pressure from the outside world, friends and family about doing things in a certain way and disaster strikes!

Vomitron got a cold! Que dramatic music. "Its because you didnt have the heater on when you bathed him" "Its because you went out in the cold yesterday" "Its because you go the playgroup, he caught it off another baby"

Yup they were the responses i was getting from family and friends. My concern wasn't how he caught the cold, it was more so about getting rid of it. We headed to the chemist to get some Vicks rub of some sort. i spent a good 30 mins reading all the ingredients of the products. i was absolutely disgusted! The first 2 ingredients that caught my attention were petroleum and turpentine oil! I definitely was not going to rub that all over my baby's delicate skin.

"In January 2009, B.K. Rubin and researchers reported the first known cases of breathing problems occurring after Vicks Vapor Rub use, particularly in children In a January 2009 report, the American College of Chest Physicians cited a case-report involving an 18-month-old girl who experienced near-fatal respiratory problems after inhaling Vicks VapoRub." (

I remembered the Little Innoscents sample pack i got at one of the baby shows i attended and remember the demonstrator explaining why their certified organic eucalyptus rub was way better than commercial brands. I rushed home and found the pack. It smelt so good! not strong and overpowering like other brands. I rubbed some into the soles of Vomitrons feet and gave him some vitamin C. 2 days of this and the cold was gone!

We started using the soap that was in the sample pack too and fell in love with it!  My mother in law loved bathing him and requested the 'green lemony soap' every time she bathed him. We would then massage him with the massage lotion. He smelt so good! I was so happy to finally find a certified organic baby and kids range.

And let me tell you that a drop of the Little Innonscents range goes a very long way. The baby powder smells fresh and has 0 talc powder in it, the bar of soap is sooo luxurious and is also very cost effective.  

You can now purchase Little Innoscents products in my store.  

Peace, love and harmony 

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Hazelwood and Eczema

I want to talk (write?) to you today about eczema and how I and 90% of customers have gotten rid of the itch!

I have suffered from eczema since i was a little girl, itching at all crazy hours of the day and night. I would scratch until i would bleed. My brothers and sister all used to complain to mum " tell her to stop scratching!" Poor mum tried absolutely everything from oatmeal baths, oil baths, every single brand of moisturiser on the market at the time, switching my diet around, different fabrics, vitamins and supplements. Some gave me relief but only very temporarily.

I knew all the steroid cream brands off by heart, at one point my steroid cream i was using was that strong the doctor would have to ring the higher offices in Canberra to ask their permission to prescribe it to me.

Yea the itch went away momentarily but nothing ever got rid off it.

When i got married my eczema disappeared on its own i was shocked! Then our first winter as a married couple hit- it returned with a vengeance thanks to my heater loving husband. Heat and eczema bigggg NO NO.

I needed a solution that's when i ordered a hazelwood necklace. I thought to myself what's $26 if it works it works i've paid more for steroid creams that ended up straight in the bin.

3 weeks later it was gone, i couldn't believe my eyes. I took it off and passed it on to my sister who also suffers severely from eczema. 2 weeks later i was ringing her saying "give it back to me!"

She didnt want to give it back because it too had started slowing down her eczema.

Hazelwood products are believed to help to create an alkaline environment in your body, which may help, prevent and appease many of the symptoms caused by being too acidic. Hazelwood, being an alkaline wood, has the natural property of absorbing and neutralizing the body's acidity through contact with the skin. By doing so, the necklaces can also help with digestion, constipation, eczema, migraines, acid reflux, heart burn, nausea, arthritis, skin problems, etc. If you suffer from one of these issues, it is highly probable that you are suffering from an acidity imbalance.

I suggest to my customers to change their washing powder over to soapnuts, change their body soap over to an organic/natural alternative such as Little Innoscents or Dr Bronners magic soap and to moisturise with coconut oil. These teamed with a hazelwood necklace is the ultimate eczema busting solution. Ditch the Dermaveen that is full of crap and chemicals!

These hazelwood necklaces are my biggest seller with a 90% success rate. The one comment everyone says to me is "I wish I knew about hazelwood earlier"

So spread the word. There is a natural alternative to beating eczema!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Jack N Jill toothpaste & toothbrushes

We Love Jack N Jill toothpaste and brushes in our house!

Even though our little man only has 3 and a half teeth I did begin our search for natural toothpaste fairly early. We tried and tested and read the ingredients of LOTS of toothpastes but there was a clear winner.

I loved that the ingredients were so good for you and were not tons of chemicals and products that i could barely read.They are 100% organic and contain xylitol to fight tooth decay and organic calendula to soothe gums.It is fluoride free, sugar free, colour free, SLS Free, and contains no preservatives.

A lot of the other so called 'natural' toothpastes contained Sodium Lauryl sulphate as their main ingredient. How they can call themselves natural is beyond me.

I won't go listing all the dangers of SLS in toothpastes but here is a link if you wanted to have a read:

Lets not even begin talking about fluoride and the disgusting effects it has on us and our kidlets. Some people may question the addition of xylitol in the Jack N Jills toothpaste. Xylitol is a low kilojoule sugar substitute that is gaining a reputation for its health-boosting properties, namely the effect it has on preventing tooth decay. While its name may sound artificial, xylitol is found naturally in fibrous fruits and vegies such as plums and corn and is also produced in the body. You may hear lots of rumours that xylitol is dangerous but there is no solid proof out there let alone proper information about its dangers.

We have recently been trialling out there toothbrushes too. We use and love our bamboo toothbrushes but Vomitron seems to be biting the toothbrush these days and was starting to splinter his toothbrush so we needed an alternative asap! JnJ toothbrushes are made of Rounded Nylon bristles (SOFT) for superior cleaning and the ergonomic handle is made from 100% Corn Starch making it compostable and bio-degradable.

Well Vomitron giggles every time its teeth brush time! He even has a favourite flavour- Raspberry.
My favourite flavour is banana but hubby wasn't impressed with my banana breath at night LOL!

Vomitron with his Jack n Jill toothbrush

We will be stocking the toothbrushes as of next week, and the toothpaste is in stock but sell like hot cakes so get in fast!

Peace, love and light

Friday, 18 May 2012

Artisse Organic Lollipops

I have been very very ill the past week. What started as a small (first time ever) cold sore ended up as a very severe internal body infection. I couldn't talk as it just hurt to much let alone walk or get out of bed. I'm on the mend now and hopefully won't ever have to suffer that strain of virus (or any) ever again!

We are loving the Artisse organic Lollipops!

My son has just learnt how to suck a lollipop before it would end up on every surface of the house and himself but never in his mouth. Not any more as he has finally tasted the bursting flavour of fruits on a stick.

We don't allow him to have any sort of sweets/junk food other than fruit. With in-laws who own a bakery full of yummy colourful goodies this is a struggle. EarthyDaddy constantly gets grilled by his parents about why we don't allow it. "We fed all sorts of stuff to you and your sisters when you were growing up!"

We don't want to ban him from anything sweet all together but if we can delay it getting into his system then why not especially refined white sugar and products full of colours, numbers and preservatives which will be banned for sure. At the end of the day he is only one and it is totally unnecessary.

Being sick this week,Vomitron has been a little neglected so i thought id give him a little treat.

These lollipops have only a few ingredients: organic raw sugar, organic glucose syrup from rice, citric acid, fruit and vegetable extracts and natural flavours.

Well he loved it! it kept him busy for about half an hour, he did need a huge bath when he was done because of the sticky mess but hey half an hour of peace when your sick is worth ten thousand baths. I gave in and ate one too and oh my god they are delicious! i think ive found my new favourite 'sweet tooth' fix! 

They are also:
Certified Organic.
gluten free
wheat free
dairy free
peanut free
soy free

Big thumbs up from the man himself! 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Vomitrons Giggle and Hoot party

I wanted to host a party to celebrate the blessing bestowed upon me 12 months ago. Vomitron's 1'st birthday! It was meant to be small party, but the guest list kept increasing magically and we ended up with a 60 person party.

Giggle and Hoot is the only TV show he stops to watch. I have no idea why a blue screeching owl and a dancing lanky man are so appealing. I wanted to support as many wahm's as  could. So I began with My friend Kylie Jensen Graphic Design designed the invitations and stationary for us as a gift which were amazing!

We had a cake smash at the party. Cake was made vomitrons nanna who used fresh cream and no sugar. 

His top was a custom made gift by Little Pickers and pants by Al-Ee-Oh

We had a 'giggle gallery' arts and crafts table which was a smash hit! 

You can't have a party without a lolly buffet. The felt owls were created by Made by Y

Baked goodies from Vomitron's nanna who owns a bakery.

 The giggle and Hoot cake! The cake topper was made also as a gift by Kreative K

It was a great party, but oh so exhausting! Now back to the reality of Earthymamma and uni!


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Almond Milk

As mentioned in earlier posts, Vomitron was nicknamed vomitron because of his awesome vomiting talents. everything that went in came back up until he was 6 months old and realised he might have a cows protein intolerance. So i cut down my dairy consumption as he is breastfed and stopped giving him any form of dairy for a week. Like magic the vomiting stopped! i no longer had to weigh the kid down with terry towelling bibs.

Although he can process cows protein much better now I still have to be careful. We breast feed during the day but night time feeds and when he is looked after by someone else he normally has formula. As he is a few weeks shy of approaching the big '1' i started looking into alternatives. Goats milk, rice milk and almond milk were my 3 narrowed down winners. So i began with almond milk.

Here is how i made almond milk:

soak 1 cup of almonds for 4-8 hours in water

place soaked almonds plus 3-4 cups of water (depends on how weak/strong you want it)

Whizz it all up!

Then strain the milk in a sieve or cheescloth material. If milk is to be given to a baby please use the cheese cloth to strain as the tiny bits of almond that went through the holes of the strainer will block the teat of a baby bottle. 

Ta dah! This is what you are left with 2 amazing products
To the left is Almond Pulp which i spread out on a try and toasted in the over to make almond meal
To the right is our almond milk! 1 cup of almonds and 3 cups of water made all that!

The Flavour is interesting and will take some getting used to but DS loved it! and took to it straight away!
The whole process took about 10 mins all up. 


Monday, 5 March 2012

To market to market...

Well the last month has been a crazy one for me.  Organising the Northern Community Market  and attending it as a stall holder, partaking as a stall holder in the Craigieburn Community festival, preparing for my return to university and running EarthyMamma has made me busy!
Sarah from Cupcakes and Tiara's kidswear 

I was asked by lots of friends and wahms to blog about my experience holding a stall at a market, and that I shall do.

#1 pack and load the car up the night before- something will happen on the morning of the market, whether it be a  baby poop explosion, sleeping in or even forgetting something, such calamities  will happen and the the last thing you need is to be playing tetris with your boxes of stock and your car.

#2 Be prepared! bring extra sticky tape, pens and paper, bring lots of stock as you never ever know how much you might need, or how popular a particular product might be. If you don't have that item right there with you, you might lose a sale.

#3 Take water/drinks and lunch. Often enough you won't have time to go and buy food unless you have someone with you. Regardless do you want to be spending your hard earned efforts of fast food?

#4 Be prepared for any type of weather situation! Before the Craigieburn Festival i checked the weather and it was meant to be sunny, no wind so i decided to save some money and rather than hire a marquee from them to bring my own. I get to the show grounds and the wind almost blew me away, let along my pesky marquee. A quick dash to Bunnings and of course they only had the most expensive marquee in stock. It snapped in half as soon as we put it up. So my neighbour allowed me to share with her- it was a huge failure no one could even see my products let alone buy anything.
My table crammed with stuff at the craigieburn festival. A BIG no no!

#5 make your stall visually appealing- colour, various heights, your branding needs to be clear and visible- you need to imprint your logo/business name in their mind.

My A1 sign printed at officeworks could be seen from a very far distance
#6 Do not cram 1000000 items on your table/space it will distract people and will make it hard to understand what exactly your selling. Put a price on everything! Some people cant be bothered asking or are shy to ask for a price. I for one don't like asking for a price as i feel like a pain.

#7 It is not all about selling and making money, network! give out your business card, speak to fellow stall holders, make friends with them exchange contact details they will be important! Speak to your customers, give them advice. Not everyone is Internet savvy so make sure you have a phone number on your business card.

#8 Lastly enjoy yourself, be proud of your business and what you have achieved, soak up the atmosphere and the weather and have a great time! Markets can be stressful but are mostly fun. Don't be deterred by low sales, attend a few markets until you find the right one for you. 

Me at the NCM Feb market

I will leave you with some pictures of other stalls at the NCM market.
my sister in laws working hard at Hothlyn Bakery's stall- everything was priced which everyone loved!
my friend Nez from personalised baby  used lots of height at her stall 

Ali from Al-Ee-OH! went for a clean look at her stall with a cute easel to display her business name

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Baby poop and facial masks

Lately I've had a lot of companies, work at home mums and home based businesses send me products to try out.

I feel quite proud that people have found me and want me to try their products out and give them my opinion and feedback. But at times there are products sent to me that I really don't want to try.

I was sent some detoxing foot patches that smelt horrible as soon as I opened up the pack.... and even worse once i had worn them overnight. I couldn't get the stench out of our house for over a week let alone out of my bed sheets! Earthydad claimed it was due to my body containing too much toxic content. So he decided to try them out, seeing as all men think they eat better than us women! The results were horribly intoxicating smell that once again took over a week to leave the house!

Other items include a toothpaste that claimed to be pomegranate flavour. We love pomegranates so i was super excited about giving it a go. Boy oh boy was i disappointed with this toothpaste. Not only was it not pomegranate but it was some sort of fiery mint. It was truly horrendous. It would numb your whole mouth and make steam come out of your ears due to its bite.

Now the worst one was some facial products i was sent. I tried out some of the moisturisers and other bits and pieces and although they were wonderful i seemed to react to them every single time. I thought id try out a mud mask which was a reddy brown colours. i started putting it on and it truly felt like mud, of course Vomitron caught whiff of me doing something relaxing  and woke up so after tending to him hubby saw me and started laughing.

me: 'what are you laughing about?!'
him: "heehehe ummm you got a little sumfin sumfin on your face'
me: what the heck are you on about?"
him: 'did you forget to wash your hands after changing that nappy?'

Ofcourse i forgot i had partially put the mask on and of course the male thought i had baby poop on my face and rather than warning me, laughed instead.

All in all i probably would have been better off with poop on my face, as the product turned my face and neck bright red for hours! It was horrible, i was itching and burning all night.

Lesson learned do a test patch before coating a thick layer all over your skin, and don't walk around with fake baby poop on your face.

Good Night
EarthyMamma xx

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Dieting and muffins

I have battled with my weight since being a little girl. I have yo-yo dieted, tried all the shakes, pills, lotions and potions.

Sadly I feel this was due to not having enough confidence and not really accepting or loving who I am. I am coming to a point in my life where i am accepting the skin i am in. This is who I am and Im going to walk around with my head held high.

I signed up for channel 10's 1 million kilo challenge. The 1 Million Kilo Challenge will run for 10 weeks (starting Monday 30th January) and will promote healthy eating, exercise and happier lifestyles for eveyone that joins.

The challenge will help keep you motivated with FREE health & nutrition advice, exercise and menu plans complete with recipes and videos, plus tools and trackers to keep you on track.

It is day 3 and i am feeling great! I am eating 3 meals a day, whereas before i would wait until i am starving then attack the pantry and fridge and stuff my face with junk as it was quick and readily available. I am exercising which has definitely increased my energy levels, and is a fun way to play and spend some time with Vomitron.

And more important than ever I am HAPPY! I really don't care if i loose any weight, im just happy to have gotten myself out of the rut i was so deeply stuck in. You are probably yawning right now at my pointless blog post but i hope in someway or another I help or inspire you to get yourself moving and take control of your life and health, grab the opportunity now with two hands before it slips away.

We baked some muffins from the challenge which were scrumptious everyone has enjoyed them especially vomitron. I will leave you with the recipe and if you make them please post some photos up.

Serves 12

350g Yoplait formé Banana Creamy Honey yogurt
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 medium carrot, grated
1 cup self-raising flour
3/4 cup wholemeal self-raising flour
1/4 cup almond meal
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
30g pecans, chopped
2 tablespoons pepita seeds
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
2 teaspoons apricot jam, warmed (i skipped the jam and sprinked the top with some diced dates)

Whisk Yoplait formé Banana Creamy Honey yogurt, sugar, egg and vanilla in a large bowl then stir in banana and carrot.
Combine the flours, almond meal and cinnamon. Stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients until just combined. Do not over mix.
Spoon mixture into 12 paper case lined muffins pans.
Combine nuts and seeds in a small bowl and sprinkle over each muffin. Bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Cool for 5 minutes in pan before brushing with warm apricot jam and removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Lots of love